Ive been playing this for about a year now from update to update and never thought to post it here, but I thought to myself that this would be something the community here might enjoy.
Nimin android File size: If some day there is some kind of update in any shape or form, be excited at that time that something new is there. I do have a " fursona ", though it's not actually furry and helps me fit in around here. The only reason I was doing it anew was because Nimin had been written into a corner I couldn't get it out of and was bloated with things I didn't care about. Nimin Fetish Fantasy - Adult Gaming - LoversLab Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page if possible. Click here to edit contents of this page. There's little history to Nimin beyond that, a mystery that may be solved some day. Its does have a furry element, and it is hosted on a fur site, but humans are playable and it caters to alot of other fetishes besides fur.

I'm primarily a writer, though I've dabbled in drawing and I'm currently focused on creating the flash text-game "Nimin". I outlined what I want a "New Nimin" to be, from the core gameplay elements to the overall world, keeping in mind something that is "doable", as opposed to the original flow of "all the possibilities".